what else to do but this while hemming three pairs of pants? [thanks bonjean for the idea :)]
Step 1: Put your iTunes or equivalent on random.
Step 2: Post the first line from the first 30 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing.
Step 3: Bold out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
1- there was a barber and his wife, and she was beautiful.
2- sent to this earth, you were saved through the ages
3- was a man back in '95, who's heart ran out of summers
4- i hope you never loose your sense of wonder
5- look at me, i will never pass for a perfect bride, or a perfect daughter
6- there was a barber and his wife, and he was beautiful
7- i used to think that i was wrong
8- for the love of a woman, a man unlocks his heart
9- when i am down, and oh, my soul so weary
10- a customer! wait, what's your hurry?!
11- oh, Mr. Todd! I'm so happy, I could eat you up, I really could!
12- we may not see the end from the beginning
13- i am adolpho perelli, the king of the barbers, the barber of kings, i bid you bonjorno! good day!
14- tell me his name, i want to know the way he looks, and where you go.
15- God deliver me, release me, forgive me, restrain me, pervaid me.
16- the engine roared, the motor hissed.
17- attend the tale of Sweeney Todd.
18- the spirit of God, like a fire is burning
19- squirrels. all we really are are squirrels.
20-kiss a wookie, kick a droid, fly the Falcon through an asteroid.
21-sweet polley pluncket lay in the grass, turned her eyes heavenward, sighing
22- i feel you, johanna, i feel you.
23- his hands were quick, his fingers strong
24-excuse me, my lord, may i request, my lord, permission, my lord, to speak?
26- ladies and gentlemen, may i have your attention please!?
27-praise to the man who communed with Jehova!
28- sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrow
29- rubber ducky, you're the one
30- ((spoken) out i say out! all this running' and shoutin' what is it now dear?) there's hole in a great black pit, and it's filled with people who are filled with shit, and the vermin of the world inhabit it