Thursday, May 1, 2008

No Child Left Behind

mom came home from work today telling me about this new girl who just moved to Utah from Iraq. the thing is, they are now just doing the CRT testing for no child left behind, and this girl has to take them. she doesnt know any english so she cant understand what is being presented. she should be able to do the math portion, you would think (do they have math portions? i dont remember), since math is "the universal language" and they have math in Iraq. but, for the purposes of No Child Left Behind (herin referred to as NCLB), she is basically just one more student who will make their child fail. i would think that since she just got here, they wouldnt make her take the tests, but they are. why? it doesnt give an accurate report. she arrived in the middle of doing the tests. and she doesnt know any english. is this fair? they dont even have the bubble sheets for her to make pretty designs on it any more, its all computerized. i dont see how they can be getting accurate reports with having people who have just arrived in the country taking the tests. does it make sense to you, cause it certianly doesnt make sense to me.


Bonnie Jean said...

This is just one of the reasons why NCLB needs serious revamping- or else complete replacement. There are others, but this is one of the most obvious.

Anonymous said...

You nicely summed up the issue. I would add that this doesn’t exactly concenplate often. xD Anyway, good post…

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Good Afternoon

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