as i tread through the forest, there isnt a sound. it is very quiet. the snow adds to the quiet, but it is too quiet. no birds singing in the trees overhead. i stop, watch, and listen. i dont hear a sound. not even the far off barking of the dogs in camp. in the fading light, it is hard to be sure, but i think i see anoyher person, crouching behind a bush. i wistle like a bluejay. he wistles back. i approach.
"the wolf has been by" i comment, noticing the paw prints in the snow. the wolf has been threatening our camp for a couple of days, and has been scaring off the game. we need the game if we are going to live over the winter.
"yes, very recently. that is why the birds have stopped their song."
we both adjust our quivers, get a firmer grip on our bows, and walk on a bit further.
"you were supposed to go after it. you should have left."
on we push, tracking the tracks, following his every move.
"i could have left" he said finally "but i would have missed my mark. i cannot see in this light. only you can see in this dim light."
we come upon a small cave. it was the wolf den, for there were a multitude of tracks around the opening. we could not tell if it was there, or if it had once again left. we peek inside. the wolf is still there. i nock my arrow, and take aim. suddenly, a pup comes into view. i lower my arrow, and step back.
"we cannot kill it. we will have to move camp. this wolf is a mother."
"so kill it and its pups."
"no. we cannot. it would be wrong. an adult, yes, we can shoot them, and even use the meat. the pups, we cannot kill. they do not have as fair of a chance, and, although we could eat them, and they would be most tender, it would be wrong. like killing one of the puppies from your dog."
he sees the fire in my eyes, and knows he has lost. we go back to camp, and then to home. we will be hungry this winter.