Friday, October 12, 2007


i've been wanting to come up with some sort of a creative story recently, or do some other such thing all creative like and using the right side of my brain. only problem is that i cant seem to figure out anything to do. i could write another story about the great dragon, except that i cant think of anything else for him to do or create (thanks to B, my ideas for anything else are all corrupted by the myths that she wrote, and i have no new ideas). so, i'm asking for ideas. what can i do that is creative, using the right side of my brain?


Sean said...

My best advice is to start with fact and move to fiction. If you remember the story about the bear...I really do want to hunt bears, but as the story developed it went to something else. In the same mindset, I have sat on the beach holding a girl's hand... thus that story, just not when I was 70 years old.

By starting with something you know, you can create a foundation for something you don't know or something that is not real. Dan Brown (who wrote one of the books you're reading) knows a lot about math and art, which allows him the foundation to write stories like Da Vinci Code and Digital Fortress. His stories are completely fictional (just as the Catholics), but the foundation is something that he knows.

At least that's what I do. There's my $0.02.

Bonnie Jean said...

Ideas? Well.... you could always write the epic saga of a grand hero going out on an adventure to save the world (what else do heroes do?) from the terrible crochet hook of doom!!! (doom, doom, dooooom!) (don't ask me why a crochet hook would be doomful... it is just the first thing that came to mind.)

One of my favorite quotes about writing is from my friend Lizzie Jo Lehcar: "I write to create possibilities."

What your Great Dragon stories (and my Georg and Spike stories) do is to come up with a "What if...." (sometimes more or less plausible) and run with it.