Monday, September 3, 2007

random thoughts

it shouldnt be 100 degrees in salt lake in september!

Since we live in utah, there is absolutely _no_bloody_way_ we are going to sell over _25_ new coffee makers. its just not going to happen. who authorized the shipment? do they not realize that we have another _50_ coffee makers sitting on the shelves, also _not_ selling? its utah! we wont be selling them. if anyone needs one, come to my store, and you can have all the bloody coffee makers you can ever want.

brooding, though really not healthy, is something that humankind does a lot. okay, so maybe human kind doesnt do it a whole awful lot, but i've noticed that i personally do it a whole awful lot. i should probably stop, otherwise i'll end up...who knows where, doing who knows what. something i'd regret eventually. only problem is, what do i think about all day at work, since my job doesnt require a whole bunch of thought? just where does this bloody coffee maker go? oh look, like all the others, it doesnt have a home. where does this sheet set go? look, it goes here. and then i proceed to unload about 50 other sheet sets off the cart, none of which requires thought.

conservationing isnt just a statement, its a way of life. you cant just move to conserve one thing, like energy. my family has gotten fed up with the fact that i enjoy concervationing. i turn off lights when no one is in the room, even if someone is comming back a minute later. they arent there then, so why have it on? rachel was going through a stack of old school papers. mom had been going to just throw them all away. she and rachel both got rather fed up with me when i said "why dont we take those to the recycle bin, and save some trees" oh well. you cant make everyone happy. you just have to choose the winning party. :)

skin is amazing stuff. sure, i already know that i'm quite likely to die of skin cancer. thats what happens when you have very fair skin, and forget to wear your SPF 50 sunscreen everyday when wandering around campus, so you come home sunburned...every single bloody day. but, although i did come home all sunburned most every single day i was in rexburg, its also made it so that i'm more UV resistant at lower altitudes. just a thousand foot difference, and i can spend all day in a lake, forgetting (as always) to wear my sunscreen, and i come home just extremely lightly burned, and its all better the next day! if i had tried something like that up at school, i would have come home burnt and almost to blisters. i've gotten blisters just for sitting in the gardens for two hours, forgetting my sunscreen!

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