Wednesday, September 5, 2007

songs of my life

my life, i decided, is basically a song. which song you might ask? well, actually, its a few. my mind is one song. its an amazing song that i've been trying to learn for the longest time... (sigh) if only i could play it, maybe i could figure out my mind a bit more. another song that i've fouind that really describes my life. that song, more than any of the others is the one that has fit my life just generaly speaking for the longest. the one i've found most recently will have to discribe my dating life (or lack thereof, as the case may be). i've been hearing this song lots in the last few weeks at work (once a day or more). i've found myself comming home and singing it, unintentionally, but i eventually actually listened to the lyrics and realized....oh wow, that sounds like my life! lat song most describes what i'll entitle my spiritual life. i've found so much comfort from this song, its helped me though many a time. now, if i could find a song that has all of this all in one... guess its not going to happen, cause this has so many borad subjects that there isnt any way that it can all be in one song.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, I tried opening all of the links at one time and it sounded like noise.