Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I've written in the past about change, and how much change has gone on in the world, especially when I first got home from my mission. It was, as I put it then, bitter-sweet. It seems odd to me just how much life has changed, and this week, I am especially noticing just how much my family, my parents in particular, have changed.
The first changed I notice this week is just how much of a voice I no longer have in the family. I used to be able to be at least somewhat in charge of the kids, and they would listen, and do what I asked them too. I suppose too long out of the way makes it so that I am now just a playmate, and no longer Mindy Mommy. I'm still trying to decide how I feel about that.
Next chnage I really noticed is that although my parents still argue a lot, it doesn't seem to be as much as when I was here before. It isn't over every single little detail that they argue. They just argue over some of the details. It is quite refreshing, honestly. While frist growing up, I never noticed it. But then after moving away for a while for school, and then comming home to it, I noticed it more. And now, I'm so happy it is less than before. I wonder what changed it?
Anotehr change I noticed is mom and dad's policy on some stuff. There used to be certian rules in place while I was growing up. One of the rules was that there would be no TV on before breakfast, and certianly not until homework was done after school. However, I've noticed that now, the TV comes on about as soon as mom wakes up (to check the weather for the day, I guess. She used to just listen to the radio alarm she has go off every morning, but I guess it doesn't do the job?), and is again on right as soon as they come home from school (it turns off during the day, since I don't enjoy watching it. I'll use it to watch a movie or something, but not more than that.). It used to not come on until about 5, so that she could watch her million channels of news (which she still does watch all million channels of news), and then sometimes go off until 10 for the nightly news. Now it seems to just be on all the time.
Another policy that has changed is the food policy. Mom and Dad used to be huge on "if you don't like it, go hungry." There were nights when yes, I did go hungry, but it taught me to appreciate the food I did like more, and to at least try and eat those food I absolutely hated. Now, they prepare something different for the kids when they don't like what is being eaten. A great example of this is a dinner we will be having later in the week. Spinach Crepe's. Mom, Dad and I all seem to think they are really really good. The kids aren't as much a fan of them as we are. So what happens? Wait, they get a quesadilla? No going hungry for the night?
All around, my parents seem to have gotten more lax on some of their rules. I'm not sure what to think of it all. On one hand, I think it is good that they have gotten lax on some things. Letting the kids eat something differetn for example, is one I might be okay with. It was something I had been pondering instituting with my own kids, just having them help (or when they are old enough make on their own) with whatever alternate food they would be eating. Some of the other changes that have happened around here... I'm not sure yet. I guess I'll just have to stick around and see what happens.


Anonymous said...

Change is a constant in life (you could say the only certainty in life IS change.) Some changes are good, some aren't. Kids get older and grow up. It stinks and is pretty weird to think about (like my sister going to prom this weekend! :O)

Jason said...

Change is really the only thing you can count on to keep coming back. Some change, agreed, is good. Some change, though isn't. But, like said, some change is really good. All I can really say, though, is get ready, there's plenty more coming in life! And probably faster than anyone expects!

Bonnie Jean said...

I had also noticed some of those changes when Justin and visit. Some good, some bad. The constant (and louder- I think they're going deaf ;) ) TV is annoying. Justin and I seriously never watched any TV at all before the kids showed up (now I have a half an hour PBS cartoon every morning while I mop or quilt or whatever ;) ) and because we both have a very hard time focusing on anything at all with a TV going in the background, we're a lot more likely to spend most of our time in Salt Lake at his sister's house because dealing with the constant demand for attention of background TV is such an energy drain.

The relative lack of arguing is an exceptionally refreshing change, and it makes me hopeful for them. Given that Dad had actually admitted to me around the time Justin and I got married that he was on the brink of leaving Mom (one of the main reasons for moving the wedding date from December to August is that I didn't want to deal with the emotional stress of that and adjust to being a newlywed if we got married around the same time you left for college- which is when he was planning on leaving) I'll take any improvement I can get and hope that the trend continues, even if I'm mystified why the change happened.