Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Being engaged is not quite how i thought.  There is a whole lot more stress involved in planning the whole thing than i remembered from my sisters weddings, and a whole lot more to think about that i realized.  maybe its just because my sister is planning this, and has been working on planning this for the last who knows how many years.  I've also discovered that I can't think about all the plans too much, or I stress myself out more than is healthy for me.  it is really lame that there is such a distance involved too.

there are a lot of nice things about it too.  knowing that i won't ever have to say good-bye to him again is definitely a plus, and something i am looking forward to.  it also means that in the future (long in the future at this point) i know we'll be able to have a family, and i'll be able to have kids of my own.  I love Jen's kids, and they are much like my own, but having my own is something I've long looked forward to (yes, it is something i wanted, even while planning my hermiting in the woods).

it will all work out eventually.  i just have to remember to take this one day at a time, and not try and plan everything all at once.


Bonnie Jean said...

Long distance engagements are seriously THE worst thing ever! :( Luckily you'll both be back in Rexburg soon. :) And weddings are awful to plan- all full of little details everyone wants to give you their 2 cents on... Sorry it has been so stressful for you- if there's anything I can do to make it less stress, let me know. :) *hugs*

Jason said...

While I can't speak on engagements from experience, I can say that long distance is probably safer. I've been told that by many people who have been engaged. So yay for safe! I'll wait plenty before finding out myself, thank you very much.