Saturday, October 16, 2010

what happened to unbiased?

Since elections are almost upon us, at work we've been doing almost nothing besides political surveys and polls. my favorite kind are what we call "two minute specials"  basically, are you going to vote, in this election, who are you voting for, and does this make a difference to you at all.  most of them really are unbiased, and we can't tell who is doing the survey.
one survey we are currently working on, takes place is Bexar (say it BEAR, not BEX-ar) county.  its the same basic idea.  here's a list of names, do you have a positive or negative oppnion of the person?  great, in this election, who are you voting for?  and now i'm going to read you some information about the two candidates, to see if it changes your vote.  it goes on, at that point, regardless of who you said you were going to vote for, for about 5 minutes about this one candidate.  telling all the great things he's done for the county, and that he's been there for so long, and whatnot.  well, thats great... but what about information about the other candidate?  oh yeah.  lets throw in two negative statements about her, so that no one will remember her, and won't like her.  thats a good idea, and it won't bias it at all...


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