Thursday, November 8, 2007

stolen idea

first off, thanks to sean for his idea for this post. its a fun idea, and after thinking on it for a long while, i think i may be able to do this too. its a "photo scavenger hunt" and on this hunt, find five predetermined habits, and take a picture of it, or more like, representing it. and off we go.
Habit in Action

i have a whole bunch of projects that i'm working on, one of which is preparing for a mission, and developing missionary like habits, like reading the Scriptures, and Preach My Gospel and the like.

Good Habit

i've been trying to spend a bit each day playing piano. it helps with a few things, and to keep my mind on track.

Bad Habit

i spend way too much time on the computer, when i could be doing other things, like reading my Scriptures and Preach My Gospel, and actually starting on riding my bike.
Habit to aspire to

i'd like to become a bit more domestic like. making bread, sewing things and other such, so that if i ever get married, i'll be able to at least be able to be somewhat like what i see a mother and wife being

Habit forming

this one was hard to choose, cause i have a lot of habits in forming currently. i chose this one, cause its probably been in forming for the longest. i'm trying to go on a bike ride for a half hour every day. ever since leaving school and hour to four hour long walks, i've become a whole lot more lazy, and can feel it in my muscles. besides that, some cardio with all the strength training i get every day at work, it would be well worth it.


Bonnie Jean said...

What exactly is a "habit in action?" (am somewhat intrigued by this "photo scavenger hunt"- but can't figure out that particular category).

Melinda said...

a habit in action... it could be a few things. it could be a habit that is currently in action that you are doing, instead of just aspiring to, like for mine, i put the developing good missionary habits, because that is what i'm trying to do. it could also be a habit that can only be done in action. another blog i saw had composting as their habit in action. it could be many various things. the orriginal instructions said that "it was left purposly vage. i want to see what you come up with, and how you interpret them"

Anonymous said...

Good habits are great to have. It has been said, the best way to get rid of a bad habit is to replace it with a good one.